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CV Profile No.71038

Profile updated on 16.01.2024

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  • Phone : +23************
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  • Date of birth : **.**.****
  • Nationality : ********
  • Address : ********
  • Attached CV : cv

Profile details

Job category searched

  • Production, maintenance, quality

Professional experience

Experience in the following industries :

  • Industry, production, manufacturing and other

Professional experience

  • Supervisor
  • Bua Sugar company.
  • Since 07.2019
  • It was a good experience working in a company like Bua sugar company lafiagi, what I learnt there is the ability to face challenges and also the ability to solve the problem.
  • Maintenance supervisor
  • Whitefield group of companies
  • Since 07.2019
  • It was a tough challenges but the ability to face the challenges makes you a better person.


A commitment to cooperate tast.


Education level : HND

    Health Safety and Environment.

  • Global safety professional Development
  • Since 01.2012
  • To Enable us to abide by the safety precautions in a working environment.

Key Skills


    • English
    • Good level

More information

  • Availability : immediately
  • Geographical flexibility : Kwara
  • Place of residence : Ilorin
  • Accepted employment type : Permanent contract
  • Last updated : 16.01.2024
  • Total views CV : 27

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Profile n°00072368

  • Work experience: More than 10 years
  • Industries: Industry, production, manufacturing and otherMaintenance, servicing, after-sales services
  • Education: Master
    • Mechanical Engineering

    • University of Ibadan
    • 09.1997 - 09.1998

      Mechanical Engineering

    • Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife
    • 09.1988 - 10.1993
  • Languages: English (fluent)
  • Skills:

    I am an experienced mechanical maintenance engineer that has worked in metal fabrication, manufacturing and building service industry.

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