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CV Profile No.66302

Profile updated on 21.09.2020

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  • Attached CV : cv

Profile details

Job category searched

  • Public buildings and works professions
  • R&D, project management

Professional experience

Experience in the following industries :

  • Engineering, development studies
  • Public buildings and works sector, construction

Professional experience

  • Surveyor
  • Since 01.2018
  • Surveying of plots of land, AutoCAD design


Excellent in AutoCAD design, survey of plots of land, topographic survey


Education level : Edit

    Surveying and geoinformatics

  • Kaduna polytechnic
  • Since 01.2015
  • Topographic mapping, survey of plots of land, AutoCAD design.imtwrorwting of construction plans,site plans, drawing of plans,using survey instruments to measure, accurately the position and angles of lands, very good Microsoft Excel, and power point

    Survey and geoinformatics

  • Kaduna polytechnic
  • 01.2011 - 01.2014
  • Topographic mapping survey of plots of land, AutoCAD card design

Key Skills

  • AUTOCAD Design
  • Construction


    • English
    • Fluent
    • French
    • Intermediate

More information

  • Availability : immediately
  • Geographical flexibility : Kaduna
  • Place of residence : KADUNA
  • Accepted employment type : Permanent contract
  • Last updated : 21.09.2020
  • Total views CV : 163

Other profiles that may interest you

Profile n°00109703

  • Work experience: 5 to 10 years
  • Industries: Engineering, development studiesMaintenance, servicing, after-sales servicesReal-estate, architecture, town planningTransport, logistics, postal services
  • Education: Bachelor
    • HSE 123 and advance

    • Onshore/Offshore institute
    • Since 09.2008
  • Languages: English (fluent)
  • Skills:

    Team player. Research.

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