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CV Profile No.64645

Profile updated on 04.06.2021

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  • Address : ********
  • Attached CV : cv

Profile details

Job category searched

  • HR, training
  • Public buildings and works professions
  • Transport, logistics

Professional experience

Experience in the following industries :

  • Education, training
  • Secretarial work
  • Transport, logistics, postal services

Professional experience

  • Chaplain
  • Joy International College Kaduna
  • 11.2014 - 08.2019
  • Catering for the Spiritual lives of students and staff, coordination and supervision of all Chapel activities, Chairman of the Chapel committee and implement all decisions agreed to by the Chapel committee, Periodically assess students on any topic either in Sunday school or Bible studies, Monitoring of tithes and offerings and Working out monthly budgets for Chapel needs


>Interpersonal Initiative Skills: Ability to communicate effectively with people and engage in active listening to help people and organization achieve its objectives and goals >Problem Solving Initiative Skills: Solving people’s and organizational problems/difficulties, understanding/identifying workplace problems and developing techniques for solving them >Team Playing Skills: working in group and with a team to achieve organizational goals and objectives.


Education level : Bachelor


  • ECWA Theological Seminary Jos
  • 08.2008 - 12.2013

Key Skills


    • English
    • Fluent

More information

  • Availability : immediately
  • Geographical flexibility : Kaduna - Kano - Katsina - Nasarawa - Plateau
  • Place of residence : Kaduna
  • Accepted employment type : Permanent contract - Fixed-term contract - Temporary work - Internship - Cooperative Education Program - Part-time work
  • Last updated : 04.06.2021
  • Total views CV : 57

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  • Work experience: 2 to 5 years
  • Industries: Advice, audit, accountingBanking, insurance, financeConsumer goodsGovernment servicesHotel business, catering
  • Education: HND
    • Higher national diploma (HND)

    • Kogi state polytechnic lokoja
    • 01.2015 - 12.2016

      National Diploma

    • Kogi state polytechnic lokoja
    • 01.2012 - 12.2013
  • Languages: English (fluent)
  • Skills:


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