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CV Profile No.30977

Profile updated on 28.01.2019

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  • Phone : +23************
  • Email : ******@******.***
  • Date of birth : **.**.****
  • Nationality : ********
  • Address : ********
  • Attached CV : cv

Profile details

Job category searched

  • Accounting, controlling, finance
  • Management
  • Secretarial work, assistantship

Professional experience

Experience in the following industries :

  • Advice, audit, accounting
  • Banking, insurance, finance
  • Education, training
  • Event, receptionist
  • Marketing, communication, media

Professional experience

not filled in


I am very Diligent Hardworking Focused Industrious And determined to learn new things. And I do not stop at nothing but to achieve the very best... My aim is not only to show my self worth but to also help to achieve goals and reach the standard at which am to and also to keep getting ideas and gaining more knowledge


Education level : Bachelor


  • Evangel University Akaeze Ebonyi state
  • 06.2012 - 09.2016
  • I have Bsc in Accountancy

Key Skills

  • Accounting


    • English
    • Fluent

More information

  • Availability : immediately
  • Geographical flexibility : Anambra - Warri - Delta - Enugu
  • Place of residence : Awka
  • Accepted employment type : Permanent contract
  • Last updated : 28.01.2019
  • Total views CV : 67

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