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CV Profile No.93138

Profile updated on 20.02.2024

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  • Attached CV : cv

Profile details

Job category searched

  • Health and social professions
  • Sales
  • Secretarial work, assistantship
  • Services

Professional experience

Experience in the following industries :

  • Event, receptionist
  • Government services
  • Health, pharmacy, hospitals, medical equipment
  • Secretarial work
  • Social, public and human services

Professional experience

  • Health information manager
  • Agbede primary health centre
  • 05.2019 - 08.2021
  • Firstly, I worked at ita elewa primary health care center as an health records officer. To maintain standards of desired medical records practice. I evaluate the latest medical and health records techniques including computerised systems and automated equipment. I also collate daily,monthly and annual informations summary of a facility.


1. Good team player 2. Ability to work with little or no supervision 3. Hardworking.


Education level : HND

    Health information Management

  • Ogun state college of health technology ilese-ijebu
  • 09.2018 - 11.2021
  • I,Adeyemi Sekinat Opeyemi was trained to 1. Maintain standards of desired record practice 2. Developing service training program 3. To initiate the collection of morbidity and mortality data for government and other purposes 4. To develop and demonstrate competence in human relations.

    Health Information Management

  • Ogun state polytechnic of health and allied sciences
  • 09.2021 - 06.2023
  • I,Adeyemi Sekinat Opeyemi was trained to 1. Maintain standards of desired record practice 2. Developing service training program 3. To initiate the collection of morbidity and mortality data for government and other purposes 4. To develop and demonstrate competence in human relations.

Key Skills


    • English
    • Fluent

More information

  • Availability : immediately
  • Geographical flexibility : Lagos
  • Place of residence : Lagos state
  • Accepted employment type : Permanent contract
  • Last updated : 20.02.2024
  • Total views CV : 25

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  • Work experience: 2 to 5 years
  • Industries: Agriculture, fishing, aquacultureCleaning, security, surveillanceEducation, trainingServices otherTransport, logistics, postal services
  • Education: Bachelor
    • Bsc education technology

    • Benue State University
    • Since 01.2009

      On customer relationship management

    • Institute of customers relationship management
    • Since 01.2013
  • Languages: English (fluent)
  • Skills:

    Critical thinking and problem solving.
    Team work and collaboration.
    Communication skills
    Leadership skills

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