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CV Profile No.82418

Profile updated on 12.02.2021

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  • Phone : +23************
  • Email : ******@******.***
  • Date of birth : **.**.****
  • Nationality : ********
  • Address : ********
  • Attached CV : cv

Profile details

Job category searched

  • Health and social professions
  • Management
  • Marketing, communication

Professional experience

Experience in the following industries :

  • Education, training
  • Marketing, communication, media
  • Research and development
  • Social, public and human services

Professional experience

  • State Coordinato
  • 10.2020 - 02.2021
  •  Maintaining and updating training syllabus and learning materials related to the programme  Facilitating multiple in-person and online sections of the training.  Coordinating with external partners to arrange guest lectures and facilitators to enhance delivery and content of the training.  Providing entrepreneurial coaching as part of the training for participants.  Maintaining regular communications with the participants.  Grading assignments and providing verbal and writing feedback to participants.  Responding to participants’ questions and issues related to the training.  Evaluating participants’ learning and programme outcomes and updating programme learning objectives.  Developing and providing annual reports on the course.  Training additional and guest facilitators as needed.
  • Zonal Manager
  • TGM Education
  • 03.2019 - 05.2020
  •  Free impartial counseling and guidance: Free educational counseling across a wide range of professional services  Free document checking service: Free application processing and checking of documents to identify original documents needed to process an offer and apply for the applicable study visa. The Service guarantees all of our students and 100percent visa success.  Access to universities: Students can be assured of one step into the University. On the spot admissions are given to students during their visits  Help with student visas: With a Students Visa Application Service second to none, I guarantees everyone of its applicants ease with getting their visas provided they are able to produce the requested documents and are open about past visa application records  Pre-departure briefings: I understand the importance of travelling to a new environment/country and how tedious it might be for students to settle down upon arrival. I organizes pre-departure briefings that cover every aspect of the intended environment/country
  • Operations Manager
  • 02.2017 - 06.2018
  •  Monitoring and Evaluation of designed projects: As the Operations Manager, he was responsible for monitoring and evaluation of the entire activities within the project.  Curriculum development and management: He developed the entire curriculum used for the project.  Enterprise Development: He was responsible for all the Business Coaching’s of the project.  Gender and Entrepreneurship Together- Get-Ahead: He trained community trainers on Gender and Entrepreneurships together.  TVET implementation and supervisions: He trained the trainers on Business Skills and Community Facilitations for the TVET purpose.  Staff recruitment and induction trainings (managed 36 staffs under the project): He inducted 36 staffs under the department  BDS trainings on Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB): He trained staffs on how to manage all their businesses.  Smart Grant Supervision: He supervised all the Smart Grants given to the project beneficiaries and made sure everything went well.  Created new proposals and given presentations to explain proposals and was very useful to the organization. He conducted Value chain Mapping and Linkages and linked 774 SMEs to existing market for their businesses.
  • Implementation Executive
  • Infostrategy Technology Limite
  • 06.2018 - 02.2019
  •  ICT solutions to KEDCO Field Supervisors: He trained all the KEDCO Field Supervisors on the use of POS and System Data Collection, and I was responsible for handling all their technical issues.  Business Development and supervisions to agents and Vendors: He registered more than 50 funded agents under iReachage department in Sokoto and Kebbi.
  • Income Generation Field Supervisor
  • CHANGE Initiatives/USAID FTF Project
  • 05.2015 - 02.2017
  •  Monitoring designed projects,  Information gathering,  step-down trainings on Enterprise Your House Hold (EYH) Curriculum, Market Opportunity Identification (MOI), Generate Your Business Idea (GYBI), Start Your Business (SYB), Improve Your Business (IYB), Health and Gender Education, Business Clinics  Monitoring Mentors Activities (Silk, Safe Space, CCT and Producer Groups),  Smart Grant and Micro Franchising implementation and supervision,  BDS and Capacity Building in Sokoto
  • Information and Data Assistant
  • Local Govt. Secretatiat
  • 05.2007 - 02.2014
  •  Disseminating and gathering information: During my time there, He was responsible for gathering and passing all the information’s within the Local Government Area.  Data collection and analysis: He was responsible for all the Data Collected and Data Analysis of the departmental activities.  Health and gender education trainings: He trained about 2000 participants on Health matters, Gender Based Violence, Security Consciousness, Safety Measures and Anti-Corruption Campaign within the communities.  Assessment and supervisions of immunization AD-HOC staffs: His team was responsible for Trainings and Supervision of Immunization Ad-Hoc Staffs within the communities.  Monitoring and evaluation of departmental activities: His team was responsible for monitoring the activities of the Local Government and all the communities around.


"Business Development & Management Skills", "Data Analysis and Management Skills", "Human Relationship Skills", "Entrepreneurship Skills", "Computer Application Skills", "Training & Development Skills".


Education level : Bachelor

    Statistics and Data Analysis

  • Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto
  • 12.2006 - 12.2010
  • Statistical Packages and Data Analysis

    Eucation and Teaching

  • Ahmadu Bello University Zaria
  • 11.2013 - 11.2014
  • Education, Teaching and Guidance & Counseling

    Business Development

  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • 06.2016 - 08.2016
  • Trainings and Development on Business Development Services

Key Skills

  • Assessment
  • Coaching
  • Education
  • Health
  • Management
  • Writing


    • English
    • Fluent

More information

  • Availability : immediately
  • Geographical flexibility : Kebbi - Sokoto - Zamfara
  • Place of residence : Sokoto
  • Accepted employment type : Permanent contract
  • Last updated : 12.02.2021
  • Total views CV : 115

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Profile n°00068310

  • Work experience: 2 to 5 years
  • Industries: Agriculture, fishing, aquacultureFood-processing industryPharmaceutical industryQuality, methodsResearch and development
  • Education: Bachelor
    • Bachelor Degree

    • Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba-Akoko
    • 02.2015 - 06.2019
    • Ayodele Isijola
  • Languages: English (fluent)
  • Skills:

    Effective Leadership; Analytical mind; Team player and Collaborative; Effective Communication; Flexibility and Adaptability; Critical thinking; Self motivated

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