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CV Profile No.66782

Profile updated on 09.09.2020

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  • Attached CV : cv

Profile details

Job category searched

  • HR, training
  • Management
  • Sales

Professional experience

Experience in the following industries :

  • Banking, insurance, finance
  • Call centers, hotlines
  • Distribution, selling, wholesale
  • Industry, production, manufacturing and other
  • Marketing, communication, media

Professional experience

  • Sales Representative
  • Wilms Imaging Network Limited
  • 10.2012 - 10.2014
  • Identified prospective customers, presentation and sales of products using solid fact based argument, answer questions and discuss pricing to ensure a smooth sales process in addendum with cost benefit analysis for existing and potential customer.
  • Marketer and Distributor
  • Niyi Bread Factory
  • 05.2017 - 10.2017
  • Developed marketing strategies, Conducted research to identify and defined audience for sales promotion and physical presence creation as well as ensuring timely delivery of product to retailer of the factory product.
  • Student Counselor and Class Teacher
  • Extra Grace College
  • 10.2019 - 07.2020
  • I served as Computer Studies subject teacher for JSS 1-3 and ICT subject teacher for SSS 1-3. I as well doubled as Student Counselor.
  • Executive Director
  • Dahcoaster Network Ltd
  • Since 03.2019
  • Dahcoaster Network Ltd is a self established e-commerce that major in mini importation of ICT gadget and I execute the operations of this business ranging from goods importation, marketing, sales and delivery across the country.


Data Processing, Graphic Design, Digital Marketing, Leadership, Negotiation Public Speaking, Team Builder, Relationship Builder, Good Communication Objection Handling, Active Listening Safety officer, Content Creating


Education level : Bachelor


  • Ekiti State University
  • 10.2014 - 07.2019
  • The basic tenet of Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and their mental process. The knowledge garnered in this field of study can be applied in any type/size of organization and it entails the study and analysis of customer to ensure their satisfaction, job analysis and description, motivation and incentive to ensure optimal utilization of human resources

Key Skills

  • E-Commerce
  • Leadership
  • Negotiation
  • Sales
  • Sales Promotion


    • English
    • Good level

More information

  • Availability : immediately
  • Geographical flexibility : Abeokuta - Ogun - Ibadan - Oyo - Lagos
  • Place of residence : Ikeja
  • Accepted employment type : Permanent contract - Temporary work - Part-time work
  • Last updated : 09.09.2020
  • Total views CV : 98

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Profile n°00038060

  • Work experience: 2 to 5 years
  • Industries: Banking, insurance, financeEducation, trainingSecretarial work
  • Education: Bachelor
    • Educational Management

    • University of Ibadan
    • 03.2013 - 08.2016
  • Languages: English (fluent)
  • Skills:

    Interpersonal relationship, fast learner, self motivated, problem solving, analytical and critical thinking, goal driven

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