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CV Profile No.58728

Profile updated on 15.06.2020

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  • Last name : ********
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  • Phone : +23************
  • Email : ******@******.***
  • Date of birth : **.**.****
  • Nationality : ********
  • Address : ********
  • Attached CV : cv

Profile details

Job category searched

  • Accounting, controlling, finance
  • Marketing, communication

Professional experience

Experience in the following industries :

  • IT, software engineering, Internet
  • Marketing, communication, media
  • Transport, logistics, postal services

Professional experience

not filled in


Sales, video editing, content


Education level : Edit


  • Kaduna Polytechnic
  • 04.2016 - 10.2018

Key Skills

  • Editing
  • Marketing


    • Persian
    • Fluent

More information

  • Availability : immediately
  • Geographical flexibility : Abuja - Kaduna - Kano
  • Place of residence : Kaduna
  • Accepted employment type : Permanent contract - Fixed-term contract - Internship - Freelance - Part-time work
  • Last updated : 15.06.2020
  • Total views CV : 70

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  • Work experience: 2 to 5 years
  • Industries: Banking, insurance, financeEducation, trainingSecretarial work
  • Education: Bachelor
    • Educational Management

    • University of Ibadan
    • 03.2013 - 08.2016
  • Languages: English (fluent)
  • Skills:

    Interpersonal relationship, fast learner, self motivated, problem solving, analytical and critical thinking, goal driven

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