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CV Profile No.49028

Profile updated on 21.03.2020

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  • Attached CV : cv

Profile details

Job category searched

  • Management
  • Marketing, communication

Professional experience

Experience in the following industries :

  • Government services
  • Maintenance, servicing, after-sales services
  • Marketing, communication, media
  • Social, public and human services
  • Transport, logistics, postal services

Professional experience

  • Community Relations Coordinator
  • Oilserv Limited
  • Since 10.2017
  • In charge of all Community related matters; liaises with key project community stakeholders to ensure peaceful and uninterrupted project execution in order to ensure targets are met and safe demobilization of equipment and personnel back to base.
  • Community Affairs, Local Content & Security Manager
  • Advanced Coating Technology Nigeria Limited
  • 01.2015 - 09.2017
  • In charge of community related matters and day to day operations of the dept; interfaces with relevant government agency officials and responsible for the operations of security personnel on guard and escort duties.
  • Operations manager
  • Africa International Services Ltd
  • 07.2012 - 12.2014
  • In charge of the day to day operations of the company; monitor the movement and berthing of vessels to ensure that goods are discharged in the quantity and conditions they were loaded at ports of departure


Excellent oral and written communication skills; strong leadership skills and ability to function with little or no supervision; computer literate and proficient in Microsoft office packages ; excellent team player and clear vision in accomplishing set targets.


Education level : Bachelor


  • University of Calabar
  • 10.1986 - 07.1990
  • Four year University education training

Key Skills

  • Communication
  • Leadership


    • English
    • Fluent

More information

  • Availability : in 1 month
  • Geographical flexibility : Abuja - Port Harcourt - Rivers - Warri - Delta
  • Place of residence : Port-Harcourt
  • Accepted employment type : Permanent contract
  • Last updated : 21.03.2020
  • Total views CV : 114

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